Environmental Science Dissertation Topics: Discovering Fresh Ideas

Environmental Science is the science of studying the impact of the living and non-living on the environment, their interaction and the impact of humans on the environment. This is a vast field which is highly relevant to the times we live in. Preservation of the environment is high on the agendas of most of the world’s governments with the realization that destruction of this resource is a one-way street from which there is no coming back. It is due to this reason that environmental science has taken on a growing significance in the world.

Below is a list of some very interesting dissertation topics that will get your research going and your creative juices flowing:

  1. Depletion of the ozone layer. Where is it now?
  2. This was a trendy topic some years ago that has fallen off the radar. An investigation of the reasons for this topic’s disappearance and the ozone layer’s current status is highly important.

  3. Is development of sustainable housing good for the environment?
  4. We all know the virtues of so-called sustainable housing. Its impact on the environment is great. Little to no waste is produced and a low amount of electricity is consumed. However, on the flip side, the production of the sustainable housing itself can have a detrimental impact on the environment. For example, fabrication of solar panels uses rare minerals that and that goes against environmental protection concerns.

  5. Flood control: the realities of effective counter-measures in poor countries.
  6. Flooding is a major concern in various under-developed countries such as Bangladesh (due to height relative to sea-level) and Pakistan (due to deforestation along the Indus River). The efforts required to decrease the threat of flood, such as de-silting of water pathways like rivers and dams require finances, which are scarce. What can be done to improve the current situation without a huge budget?

  7. Underwater earthquakes and tsunamis.
  8. The Southeast Asian devastation of 2004 and the Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011 are reminders of the dangers of underwater earthquakes and resulting tsunamis. What kind of early warning systems are currently in place and what could be done to improve them? Do early warnings even matter given the huge populations living in coastal cities?

  9. Fracking
  10. This is the highly controversial method in which pressurized liquid, usually water, is forced down into shale rock to release trapped gas molecules, which are then captured. Opponents blame the fracking process to have caused earthquakes. Investigate the truth in these claims.