How To Recognize Reliable Dissertation Writing Services

With heavy teaching or research assistant loads, more and more doctoral students are turning to dissertation writing services. But, if you’re thinking of hiring a writing service, you must take care to hire a reliable one, as it’s probably the most important academic paper of your life. Use these easy tips to help recognize reliable dissertation writing services.

Check their credentials

If you’re looking for help writing such a high level paper, you’ll want to hire someone with qualifications to match. As a general rule you should be looking for a writing service with someone who at least has achieved the academic level you are working toward. This means you should hire someone who is working on or has a doctoral degree. But, you don’t just want to take someone’s word for this. If they say that they are affiliated with a university, search for them on the website, or ask them to email you from their university email account. Similarly, if they say they have published, search for them on Google Scholar.

Set test deadlines

A key attribute of a reliable writing service is attention to deadlines. If you tell them you need a section or draft by the date it is due to your advisor, you are relying on them to meet it, otherwise you’ll be penalized for it. You can test their attention to deadlines by giving them test deadlines during the hiring process. For instance, you can ask them to send their references or portfolio by a certain time and date. If they miss the deadline, especially without explanation, it is probably a sign of what’s to come.

The price should match the project

For the majority of writing services, the price charged matched the qualifications of the writer, the quality of work, and the difficulty of the project. If a dissertation writing service is advertising or quoting a price equivalent to less than $10 per hour, chances are there is something fishy about them. Either they do not have the qualifications that they are advertising, or they are not planning on working the whole project.

Be critical of the payment plan

A reliable and trustworthy dissertation writing service should also use a reasonable payment plan. If they are asking for 50% payment upfront, there’s a good chance they’re looking to rip you off. A more reasonable play will have weekly payment upon receipt of weekly deliverables. This kind of payment plan will protect you and the writing service.