How To Choose The Right Format For A Doctoral Dissertation In Urban Studies

If you’re beginning work on your doctoral dissertation on urban studies, you are probably feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering where to start. Many people choose to start their work with formatting the project correctly. You don’t have to get the entire format perfect, but it is an important thing to take into mind when constructing a solid outline to follow along throughout your research and writing processes. The format is generally something you may worry the least about, but it is still really important in order to make a good impression and to look professional.

  • The first thing about your format that you need to figure out is the requirements. Take some time to look into your university or particular program’s guidelines for formatting doctoral dissertations. If you mess up on this stuff, you lose easy points and risk jeopardizing your entire project and all the months of work you put in. So find the requirements and make sure to fit them into your outline. Usually, the things that are required will include a title page, acceptance page, an abstract and a table of contents. Many are required to include a resume or CV as well.

  • Many guidelines have optional formatting sections that you can choose to include if it makes sense with what you are writing and what your individual project requires. Some of the optional elements may include a copyright page, a dedication, acknowledgments, a preface, tables and figures, appendices and more. These are generally optional but be warned that some places may require or “highly recommend” some of these elements so be sure to check with the exact university or group you are going through to make sure.

  • Now that you know which elements may be required or optional, how do you decide what is best for your project on urban studies? We have a few suggestions. First, look at each optional element and try to picture where and how you could fit it into your paper and if it is necessary to your paper or just added baggage. Second, look at other dissertations done on the same subject or area of interest. This will show you how people dealt with the subject and what additional things they added into their projects. Third, evaluate the specific topic you are doing and what might help describe or convey your research best.

Finding the required format for a doctoral dissertation isn’t hard at all, it is readily available for you to consult. Just be sure when choosing optional formatting techniques that they are beneficial or necessary to your project and not just adding length or fluff.